Open Stages
OpenStages is a project by Assitej Italia born in 2018, result of a working group within the Association formed by virtue of the statutory commitments united to the spread and the worsening of expressions of hatred in our country, and not only, in the last period.
“It would be great if theatre itself could represent a stronghold of resistance; what if the antidote to hate were theatre for children and young people, addressing the issues of the new generations, so crucial for the world to come?
However necessary, we know this is going to be just a drop in the ocean. Our time requires those reservoirs of necessary soul-saving beauty to not only be there and stand stronger than ever, but to open up, take new steps and expressly oppose hate. But gently.”
extract from the article:
The Words and Actions of TYA. Or: How to Reach Out and Touch the Dream.
This is the assumption that led the working group to achieve in first instance these three lines of work:
- To realize an internal survey in the Association in order to gather knowledge of the types of projects members of Assitej Italy actually led/are leading to oppose hatred.
- To develop a shared reflection on topics connected to opposing hatred in and for theatre for children and youth.
- To create a manifesto, freely joinable by individuals and legal persons, members and non-members, who, inItaly and abroad, recognize themselves in the expressed principles.
The working principles and first objectives were publicly illustrated during the last edition of Festival d’Avignon on Wednesday 10th July at 6:30 pm at the presentation for professionals Rendez-vous professionels. Quelles perspectives pour le secteur jeune public au lendemain des États Généraux Arts vivants enfance et jeunesse ? Rencontre professionnelle de l’association.
The first results of this work will be officially presented the next 3rd September at Assitej International Artistic Gathering, which will take place in Kristiansand (Norway), as part of the project TYA and migration, and to Italian members of Assitej Italia during Assitej In-Forma 2019 (Milan, 25th – 27th September).
Members of the working group: Barbara Pizzo (referente), Carlotta Zini (coreferente, La Baracca -Testoni Ragazzi), Linda Eroli e Pina Irace (Associazione 5T), Nicoletta Cardone Johnson, Helga La Nave (Centro S. Chiara), Rita Maffei e Deborah Pastore (CSS Teatro Stabile di innovazione del FVG), Giovanna Palmieri, Maria Giulia Campioli (Teatro al Quadrato), Renata Coluccini (Teatro del Buratto), Marco Cantori (Teatro Perdavvero/NRG Coop).
Do you want to join OpenStages?
Send us your informations through the form below to join OpenStages, you will receive the poster and the logo via email. Also let us know if we can quote you as a member.